Kinyonga – Groove Time
Kinyonga – Groove Time
Kinyonga – Groove Time
Kinyonga – Groove Time
Kinyonga – Groove Time
Kinyonga – Groove Time
Kinyonga – Groove Time
Kinyonga – Groove Time
Kinyonga – Groove Time

Kinyonga – Groove Time


Stage form / possibility of technical autonomy

The need to dance, to bring to life the music that goes with it, has given rise to the urge to bring toge­ther funk, afro­beat and a wide range of other influences to get the par­ty going ! While funk takes root in our most ingrai­ned refe­rences, afro­beat turns these geo­me­tric repre­sen­ta­tions of rhythm on their head. This inver­sion effect creates a move­ment favou­rable to a new trance, with subtle arti­cu­la­tions that are neces­sa­ry for the most modern rebounds.

The Kinyon­ga mem­bers are no stran­gers to mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­na­ry crea­tions, mixing music, dance, the open air and the stages. They embark audiences on a jour­ney through the here and now, invi­ting them to expe­rience what’s being per­for­med live, trans­cen­ding eras and styles : Dance is at the heart of Kinyon­ga’s per­for­mances, and is what makes them so spe­cial. Their musi­cal uni­verse is backed up by an MC and a bass player who are also dan­cers, and who are hap­py to get the audience moving !

KINYONGA (live band-danse)

drum / backing vocals  : Mar­cus Camus
gui­tar : Yohann Le Fer­rand
key­boards  : Fabien Lahaye
trum­pet : Guillaume Bou­geard
bari­tone saxo­phone : Eli­sa­beth Paniez
saxo­phone : Pierre-Yves Merel
dancer/ vocals : Fran­co
dan­cer / bass : Elo­die Beau­det
per­cus­sions : Pierre Nor­mand

sound : Mar­tin Gon­tard


Part­ners & Sup­por­ters
DRAC/Centre Natio­nal de la Musique/Région Bre­tagne, Dépar­te­ment Ille et Vilaine, Rennes Métro­pole,  Roche aux Fées Com­mu­nau­té, Centre Cultu­rel Ago­ra – Le Rheu, MJC Bré­qui­gny, La Harpe, EVS Crocq Vacances, Ville de Jan­zé, Ville de Retiers.

Accueils stu­dio régu­liers : Cercle cel­tique de Rennes

Cré­dit pho­to : Tho­mas Guion­net, Swan et Mor­gane Michotte

⇑ Concert on 12 June 2021 at La Roche-aux-Fées under health res­tric­tions lin­ked to Covid-19.

Broadcast contact: Élodie Beaudet

Upcoming dates