Funk takes over the Rennes, October 2019. Attracted by the overly funky music, Stéphanie took a detour and came upon a costumed crowd dancing in the footsteps of the Bal Du Tout Monde. Big slap ! Involved for many years in artistic expression and cultural projects, she didn’t hesitate to make a new career move and return to her old love : live performance.

Capable of winding prolong as well as manipulating Excel, Stéphanie thought she could put her eclectic skills to good use in presenting live shows… She joined the Engrenage[s] team on1st March 2020 and is still laughing about it « Only I would change jobs just before a confinement, and to go towards culture no less ! » Cancellations, postponements, cancellations, hopes and despairs… But the pearls « discovering, at last, a show I’ve sold and telling myself that yes, of course I’m going on ! » and the sparkling eyes of spectators keep her going.
A multipotential holder of diplomas in commerce (BTS), agrobiology (CS), coordination of cultural projects (Licence pro) and integration through French language teaching (DU + M1&2), Stéphanie is able to move from catering to teaching, with detours through beekeeping, events, coordination of a cultural association, organization of a festival and today the production and broadcasting of live shows.
Its missions :
- To make the eyes of young and old, including her own, shine ;
- Dreaming projects AND living them.